Quan Yin Family Health

Services & Rates


$115 per session

Acupuncture is the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is currently the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere.imageimage

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality of the Qi (energy) flow through the natural pathways of your body (meridians). Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include:

  • Pain reduction
  • Stress and tension relief
  • Increased energy levels
  • Stronger digestion and increased immunity
  • Relief from bad habits and addictions
  • Greater sense of overall health and well-being
  • Regulation of menstruation and relief from PMS symptoms
  • Increased fertility for both women and men
  • Reduced symptoms relating to menopause

Besides these common benefits of acupuncture, the World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture's effectiveness for over 40 common disorders, such as:

  • Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders - toothaches, earaches, sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis
  • Respiratory Disorders - colds & flu, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, emphysema
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders - food allergies, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, ulcers, colitis
  • Circulatory Disorders - hypertension, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris
  • Urogenital Disorders - cystitis, stress incontinence, neurogenic bladder, prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy
  • Gynecological Disorders - menstrual irregularity, endometriosis, PMS, infertility, menopausal syndrome
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders - sciatica, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, frozen shoulder, arthritis, tennis elbow, TMJ, fibromyalgia
  • Psychoemotional & Neurological Disorders - anxiety, depression, insomnia, headache, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia, dizziness, tinnitus, post-stroke paralysis

Quan Yin Family Health accepts Workman's Compensation and Personal Injury Protection insurance.

Chinese Herbology

$25-45 per formula


Chinese herbal medicine is a 3,000 year old tradition using naturally occurring substances — including herbs — to enhance one's health and vitality. As opposed to Western medicine, the foundation of this approach is to support the body's natural self-healing mechanisms and abilities.

Since each patient has different needs, I carefully select and combine a variety of herbs that will synergistically blend together to achieve optimal results for your unique situation. I prescribe high-quality, professional-grade herbal medicines that are available only to qualified licensed professionals.  My herbal formulas are dispensed in the modern and convenient form of granulated powder extracts.  All my formulas have been rigorously tested by a third party organization to be free of heavy metals, pollutants, and contaminants.